3 Alternatives to Eyeglasses for Children with Myopia
Your child’s eyes are one of their most valuable assets. Their eyes help them to see the world in their own unique way which can help them to develop. If your child has expressed that they are struggling to see objects in the distance, this is a complaint that should not be taken lightly. There is a possibility that they may be suffering from a condition known as myopia. If diagnosed early enough, however, your child will be able to take advantage of myopia management options which allows for treatment alternatives and ways to slow down the progression of myopia as they get older.
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What is Myopia?
Although you may not have heard of myopia before, you have likely heard of nearsightedness which is when a person struggles to see objects in the distance. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is the result of an ocular refractive error which happens when your eye cannot focus light properly on the retina because the eye length is abnormal. Myopia is a condition that typically begins to develop in children between the ages of 6 and 14. As a parent, there are several subtle yet important symptoms of myopia that you should always be aware of. If your child is experiencing any one of the following symptoms, you should bring them in to see one of our eye doctors as soon as possible:
- Headaches
- Difficulty seeing objects that are far away
- Squinting
- Eyestrain
The causes of myopia can vary. Your child could be predisposed to this condition as a result of genetics or myopia development may be exacerbated by extended digital screen use, doing close-up tasks and not spending enough time outdoors. If myopia progression is not slowed and the eye length continues to grow it’s possible that your child could be at risk of developing certain ocular conditions later on in life such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachments and macular degeneration.
Unfortunately, myopia is not a condition that can be cured. However, there are several treatment options that can slow the progression of myopia.
Myopia Management Options
The treatments below have been proven to slow the eye growth and slow down myopic progression.
- MiSight lenses
MiSight lenses were the first soft multifocal contact lenses that were approved by the FDA for children that were diagnosed with myopia. These soft contact lenses can be worn by children as young as 8 years old during the day and discarded at night. In order for a child to receive the full benefit from wearing MiSight lenses, it’s recommended that they wear them six days a week for at least 10 hours a day.
- Orthokeratology
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) is known as corneal reshaping therapy. If your child is bothered or frustrated by wearing glasses or contacts during the day, they will love the fact that Orthko-K lenses are worn at night during the time that they are sleeping. These lenses gently reshape the cornea at night which can help to provide the vision correction that they need during the day. This means that they have the freedom and flexibility to go to school, play sports or enjoy their day in general without having to worry about wearing glasses or contacts.
- Atropine treatments
Atropine treatments can be used for children with myopia that either wear contact lenses or glasses. These treatments relax the eye which has been shown to slow myopic progression.
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Schedule Your Appointment Today with Our Myopia Management Clinic
Do you have concerns that your child could have myopia? Are you interested in learning more about treatment options for childhood myopia? Our eye doctors are here to help you. Get in touch with us today to schedule your appointment.
Testimonial from Lakisha, Satisfied Myopia Patient
Dr. Elise Kramer and Weston Contact Lens Institute is a true advocate for her patients and families. Her team is very supportive, empathic, engaging, positive and professional. Dr. Kramer and Weston Contact Lens Institute remains and exhibits standards of excellence in regard to patient and vision care. Thank you for going the extra mile. Thank you for displaying a strong personal commitment and spirit of determination. Your work ethics speak volumes. Super friendly office staff and team.