Can I Still Maintain an Active Lifestyle With Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses, with their unique design and advanced technology, are transforming the way individuals with vision challenges embrace an active lifestyle. These large diameter contact lenses vault over the entire corneal surface, offering unparalleled comfort and stability, even during vigorous activities. Their robust structure not only provides sharp, clear vision but also shields the eyes from environmental irritants, making them ideal for athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone leading a dynamic life. By effectively managing conditions like keratoconus and severe dry eyes, scleral lenses empower users to engage in a wide range of physical activities without the worry of lens displacement or discomfort, thus opening a new chapter of freedom and confidence in their lives.
What Are Scleral Lenses?
Scleral lenses are hard lenses made of an inflexible polymer which is gas permeable. The lens material allows oxygen to pass through to the eye freely. It is essential for eyes to get enough oxygen to keep the living cells that make up the eye alive and healthy.
Because they need to vault over the cornea, scleral lenses are significantly larger than traditional soft lenses. These lenses are designed to rest on the sclera (the white of the eye) instead of on the cornea (the clear dome of the eye). The scleral lens will act as the new optical surface to “replace” the irregular cornea during wear.
Scleral lenses are custom made for each patient. At your first appointment, the surface of your eyes will be carefully mapped to find any damage or irregularities. This map gives your eye care practitioners all the information they need to design scleral lenses that fit the dimensions of your eyes perfectly.
What are the Advantages of Scleral Lenses for Active People?
Athletes with vision impairments are often forced to step back from their chosen sport. Poor visibility can lead to injuries during physical activities so quitting used to be the obvious answer. However, with scleral lenses there are new possibilities for athletes to continue their sport safely. The benefits of scleral lenses for people living active lifestyles include:
Consistent Vision Quality
Throughout the day, the moisture in our eyes changes due to environmental and internal factors. Dry eyes can cause intermittent vision blurriness and make certain activities more difficult. Scleral lenses combat this with a saline filled reservoir against the eye which keeps the cornea moist all day.
Saline is a saltwater solution that is pH-balanced to protect your corneas without changing the chemical ecosystem within your eyes. Saline has no cleaning properties, so be sure to always use an approved contact lens solution to clen your scleral lenses.
Reduced Glare
Traditional soft lenses can rotate on the cornea which can cause glare, especially at night. Scleral lenses are rigid and stay in place all day which minimizes the halo effect around lights. The lack of glare can be particularly helpful for athletes who spend most of their time outdoors.
Glare can make it very difficult to see what’s happening around you, which can affect performance and can be dangerous in contact sports. In sport, it’s essential to have the right equipment; scleral lenses are a piece of equipment that shouldn’t be overlooked for athletes who experience vision loss.
The cornea has the densest nerve tissue in the body which means that soft contact lenses can cause a great deal of discomfort if they are not fitting properly. It can even feel like the lens is rubbing against the eye which can sway people against wearing any lenses. But scleral lenses are entirely different.
One of the main benefits of wearing scleral lenses is how comfortable they are for extended wear. Because these lenses don’t touch the cornea at all and rather sit on the sclera, most people can’t feel the lenses in. The sclera has very few nerve endings, so the sensation isn’t obvious.
Three Tips for Living an Active Lifestyle with Scleral Lenses
It is possible to lead an active lifestyle with reduced vision. Here are three scleral lens tips for protecting your eyes, so you can continue enjoying the outdoors and the sports you love.
Keep Your Lenses Clean
When you first receive your new lenses, your optometrist will walk you through the essential care instructions. To protect their eyes and lenses, many patients opt to keep their nails short. Long nails can increase the possibility of bacteria being transferred to your eyes.
No matter what, you should always wash your hands thoroughly to prevent infection. The eyes are extremely delicate, so you need to be meticulous about hygiene. If you do develop an infection, see your eye care practitioner immediately.
Don’t Sleep with Your Lenses In
Sleeping with your lenses can cause a significant reduction in oxygen and increase the risk of infection. Infections can cause deterioration of the cornea which can be catastrophic for people with corneal irregularities or existing damage.
It’s always best to remove your scleral lenses, even if you are just taking a short nap. When you wake up, clean your lenses thoroughly and use fresh saline to keep your risk of irritation and infection to a minimum.
Don’t Wear Your Lenses if Your Eyes are Irritated
If you experience redness or irritation, it’s essential to avoid wearing your lenses until the irritation passes. If it doesn’t resolve quickly, it’s important to visit your eye care practitioner to ensure that your eyes are healthy. Your doctor will be able to prescribe drops to soothe your eye, but until then, you must keep your eyes free of any foreign objects including your scleral lenses.
By taking proper care of your eyes and your lenses, you can enjoy your active lifestyle without fear. Visit our optometrists at the Weston Contact Lens Institute to have your eyes assessed for scleral lenses. Get in touch with us today to learn more about this revolutionary new type of lenses and how they can help you live a new and more active lifestyle.