Can Nearsightedness Be Controlled?


Nearsightedness, which is clinically referred to as myopia, is a serious eye condition that continues to affect more people globally each year. In the United States alone, approximately 40 percent of the population is nearsighted. While nearsightedness can be genetic, evidence suggests that the surge in cases is primarily due to people spending less time outdoors and focusing more on near tasks, computer screens, tablets, and phones. It is projected that nearly five billion people will be nearsighted by 2050.

Those who are nearsighted can see nearby objects well; however, distant objects are out of focus and appear blurred. This lack of focus is because myopia causes the eye to stretch and grow abnormally long from its standard, almost spherical shape. When abnormal growth distorts the eye’s shape, it impedes the ability to focus on distant objects.

When nearsightedness is diagnosed in children, immediate should be taken to treat it and prevent its progression; otherwise, it may be difficult to control. Nearsightedness can progress rapidly in children and will hinder their learning ability and desire to participate in activities.

Early interventions can slow the progression of nearsightedness in pediatric cases. Treating this condition early can also prevent other serious eye conditions in adulthood.


How To Control Nearsightedness

 There are nearsighted treatment options that provide vision correction and slow its progression. Here are four effective lines of treatment:

  • Eyeglasses are a popular option for younger, nearsighted children. Many nearsighted pediatric patients’ eyes have trouble focusing in unison. This can exacerbate nearsightedness, causing it to progress. For these children, corrective lenses with two different prescriptions – a bifocal or multifocal lens can be prescribed to strengthen the eyes’ focusing skills and slow myopia progression.
  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) is corneal reshaping therapy. This treatment comprises custom-fitted, hard contact lenses that are specially designed to fit each individual eye using cutting-edge computer imaging technology. These lenses are worn overnight as the patient sleeps, where they gently reshape the cornea or the front surface of the eye. Patients remove the lenses every morning and don’t wear them during the day. This advanced treatment provides myopia correction and eliminates the discomfort of wearing vision correction during the day. Orthokeratology provides optimal vision correction and slows nearsightedness progression. This treatment is safe for children and adults with myopia.
  • Atropine drop therapy is a medical treatment option that can be used with eyeglasses or Ortho-K lenses to slow the progression of nearsightedness effectively. These drops relax the eye and effectively slow the progression of myopia.
  • CoooperVision MiSight lenses are the first FDA-approved lenses for controlling nearsightedness progression in children. MiSight lenses are soft, dual-focus contact lenses used to slow myopia progression in children ages 8-15 when myopic progression can occur rapidly. MiSight contact lenses allow children to learn in the classroom without impairment and protect their vision from worsening over their lifetime.


Weston Contact Lens Institute Can Get Nearsightedness Under Control

If your child has vision challenges, it is imperative to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. This provides the best opportunity to take advantage of early interventions to mitigate potentially dangerous ocular conditions from myopia.

If your child is nearsighted, you want to enlist a skilled optometrist and knowledgeable team of eye care professionals at WCLI to determine the best course of treatment to get it under control. Your child’s doctor can employ the most effective therapy to help your child successfully manage the condition for years to come. This treatment will also mitigate the risk of other serious ocular conditions that can arise from myopia in the future. Call to schedule an eye exam at Weston Contact Lens Institute today. Protecting your child’s vision now will give them the best opportunity to learn and grow.






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